“I am really pleased I made the decision to buy this training. Being made redundant at 46 I was worried I'll never work again. The training (especially the DVD – Lynn is brilliant) gave me confidence to just go for it. I did some calls and I’m happy to report that I’ve got my first client.”
Sue Plummer, Birmingham
“It was all new to me as I've never been a tenant myself. The training package was extremely informative and inspiring and gave me a real understanding of all aspects of the business.”
Sarah Stevens, Manchester
“Lots of details, such as how to describe a window. They all came in useful in the end. I’m happy I chose this training package.” Amanda Sharifi, Greenwich, London
“After 4 years at home bringing up my two children, I didn’t want to go back to work full-time. My husband suggested I start my own business from home and after a long search I found this training guide. I’ve already done some work for other inventory clerks and I love it. The flexibility is ideal.” Dominika Kaminski, Surrey
“I would highly recommend this Inventory Clerk Training Guide to anyone. Loved the DVD – saved me a lot of time.” John Glass, Kent
“The practical tips came in very handy – there were so many things I just wouldn’t have thought of. Your advice about … well practically everything… was priceless.” Jeff Russell, Bristol